TEL/03-3572-1537 OPEN/11:00~20:00

2F Gallery

Exhibition space of artist Noriko Tamura’s mural painting Exhibition of skincare brand Boscia

Painted by Noriko Tamura, who continues to create mural paintings all over the world.

In stark contrast to Tamura's glamorous image on the world stage, she was full of energy and dignified beauty when she created this piece. The art work is named "FUN-FUN", which contains FANCL's wish that all women can enjoy beauty and happiness.


Artist: Noriko Tamura
Graduated from Musashino Art University.Tamura spent a total of eight years in India, China, Thailand, etc., and has been creating drawings and oil paintings with motifs of people in West Asia Regions. She has so far created approximately 60 murals, including a 60m large-scale piece at the Xi'an Hotel, and the ones at cruise ship "Asuka" and Kitasato University Hospital. She also created 58 Fusuma Paintings at the Hogon-in Temple of Tenryu-ji Temple in Kyoto, and is currently active worldwide.

2F Boscia

Founded in Southern California, USA in 2002. Based on the concept of botanical science, Boscia is a preservative-free skin care brand that makes full use of cutting-edge technology cultivated in FANCL's additive-free cosmetics.

※Products are for display only, not for sale.
