
5F FANCL Beauty Studio
※Reservations accepted until 20:00

Moisturizing Skin and Mind

For a fresh and hydrated skin and mind
Bring out your natural beauty to the fullest and be confident tomorrow

The state of the skin and mind are deeply connected.
When your skin is well-nurtured, your mind is satisfied; and when your mind is satisfied,
it's reflected in your glowing skin.

By touching with hands, you will notice things you never noticed before
Bring out the beauty of your roots to the fullest

You will be more positive and love yourself more

"Enrich, beautiful, and in shape"

Why not discover your own unique beauty with us at FANCL Ginza Square?

Moisturizing Skin and Mind
treatment items


Brightening & Lift up

90 min 22,000 yen

Brightening & Lift up

The world's first ultimate (※2)beauty treatment using CDH(carbon dioxide gas hydrate)(※1). Comprehensive care for the face and décolleté using premium skincare line “BRANCHIC”. Through comforting hand massage combined with warming formula and essential oil ingredients, this treatment directly approaches to facial muscles and create soft and firm skin.

  • ※1 Carbon dioxide hydrate is a substance in which carbon dioxide is contained in high concentrations within ice particles.
  • ※2 The world's first refers to beauty treatment using skincare products containing carbon dioxide hydrate.
    (Based on our research as of January 2023)
What is Carbon Dioxide Hydrate?

Carbon dioxide hydrate (CDH) is a snow-like crystalline substance that can create "fine carbon dioxide bubbles less than 1 μm in diameter" simply by dissolving it in water.

CDH enhances the effectiveness of skin care!
Applying lotion containing CDH has a high blood flow promoting effect! Just by applying it to the skin, the temperature rises thus improves poor blood circulation immediately.
CDH can produce fine bubbles

Key treatment areas

Key treatment areas
Key treatment areas
Care Effect
Soft skin
Firm Skin

Treatment procedure

1 Skin Analysis
about 5 min.
analyze your skin condition and select products suitable for your skin type.
2Make Off
about 10 min.
After changing into treatment gown, staff will use steam to loosen dirt, remove makeup and impurities from pores.
3Pore Cleansing
about 5 min.
Ultrasonic waves are used to remove dirt and blackheads that have accumulated in the pores.
4 Facial Cleansing
about 10 min.
A warm facial cleansing massage will be applied using a honey-like dense gel. The warming formula and massage improves blood flow and eliminates swelling and dullness.
Facial Cleansing
5Hand Massage Treatment
about 30 min.
Uses unique hand treatment to thoroughly massage the skin from face to décolleté and relax the lymphatic flow.
Hand Massage Treatment
6Application of lotion containing carbon dioxide hydrate
about 5 min.
Carbon dioxide bubbles less than 1 μm in diameter enhance the skin care effect.
Application of lotion containing carbon dioxide hydrate
7implementation of Essence Lotion
about 5 min.
Uses specialized equipment to implemet essence lotion and provide comprehensive care to your skin problems.
8Application of Facial Mask and Emulsion
about 10 min.
Application of facial mask and emulsion.
9Inner Care
about 5 min.
Beauty drink will be prepared according to seasonal and skincare concerns.
Inner Care

About reservation and price

  • ・ Reservation only
  • ・ For same-day reservations, please inquire with staff from the 1F International Shop.
    ※Telephone inquiries are accepted until 8:00 p.m.
